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Author(s):      Amela Karahasanovi?, Kristoffer T. Holm and Aria Nejad
ISBN:      978-989-8533-64-7
Editors:      Katherine Blashki
Year:      2017
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Trust, Risk, Interaction Design, Service Design, Online Grocery Shopping
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      239
Last Page:      243
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This paper presents our ongoing research into trust and the risks related to online grocery shopping. More specifically, we investigate how to increase customer trust when buying perishable products online. Online grocery shopping is an increasing trend in many countries, and several studies on trust have been conducted in the context of online grocery shopping. However, knowledge of how to improve trust and reduce risks is rather limited in this context. Through design, prototyping and user studies, we explore if and how a variety of user feedback mechanics such as ratings, comments and presence help build trust. Several concepts and prototypes were evaluated through group interviews and usability testing. Based on our results, we proposed trust-related design guidelines for online grocery shopping applications. Our results might be useful to both researchers investigating trust in the context of online shopping and to the practitioners designing applications and services in this area.

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